ahh the labs!

Well just had an all nighter in the labs getting my OpenGL assigment done which im glad to say i have went v.well with help from Charlie Banks! Took today off too recover but tomorrow after i get home!!! i will get back to work finishing up on my walk cycle which i want to be amazing.

As for easter starting to think about my final year project most likely going to be working in a group with friends to get team enviroment experience but i want to come up with an idea and get started as soon as possible to make it as good as i need to be. What ever idea i choose ill b animating so wants it to be animation heavy to get a good load of work done!

Work Update

Wow two months since my last post well iv been extremally busy ton of dead lines have came and passed so been mainly workn on them. As for the animation side did a bit of modeling and animation since my last post modeling was easy enuf still love modeling animation went well made me laugh will have a finished product soon with that so should be good its group work so cant take too muchh credit but heres some of the stuff i modeled for it all modeled lit and shaded by myself. will upload some of my drawns soon enuf need to make sure there good enuf for public viewing

Apart from this been mainly workn on programing with OpenGL makes me wanna cry but getn VERY!!! slowly though it not my cup of T for a career ill stick to animation.