Specialist Project Update


WELL after many many many many hours im getting there closing in on the final product spent longer rigging it than any thing else hmm rigging a house... BUT im nearly happy still needs camera animation b4 rendering but with a max one minute render time rendering dosnt need a weeks notice. Having HORRIFIC issues with mental ray atm i can put the main plane head structure on when im rendering it as it causes mental ray to freeze or crash soo all my renders are with out it i think it runs out of ram well atleast thats (Travis - Re-Offender AWSOME!) what maya software says but im not sure but it does render when i take into its own file /cry. Hopfully it will all work when i render it in the labs very tempted not to render in the labs so the video is my property not the universities hmm not sure bit big headed of me to think they'll use it =p TIP:: When ur copying a render style like i have get images of what u want to copy and take swatches from that image even if there are two completely different objects the colour scheme still works well. is that cheating? i think it crosses the line into borrowing.